The Brazilian Institute of Architects – the establishment of Sa?o Paulo Chapter and the construction of its headquarters



  • Ana Reis de Goes Monteiro
  • Taiana Car Vidotto


The purpose of this article is to rescue, through documentary re- search, the establishment of the Brazilian Institute of Architects in Sa?o Paulo (IAB/SP) and the construction of its headquarters in the city, one of the leading examples of modern architecture, as well as the integration of architecture and other arts. First located in the basement of a modern building called Esther, its design, ob- ject of a contest, situated in the corner of Bento Freitas and Gene- ral Jardim Street, at Vila Buarque, had as winners and authors of the nal project the architects Abelardo Reidy de Souza, Galiano Ciampaglia, He?lio Queiroz Duarte, Jacob Ruchti, Miguel Forte, Rino Levi, Roberto de Cerqueira Ce?sar and Zenon Lotufo. It was built in the 1950’s, in a region that became a new urban center of cultural and artistic activities with new museums, libraries, cinemas, thea- ters, art galleries and bookshops and IAB/SP joined these spaces. As the building became part of a network of sociability among architects and other artists, it was possible to spread the values of the architects’ profession. Many politicians, young students, tea- chers, intellectuals and artists used and visited the building during exhibitions, music auditions, lectures and other events promoted by the Institute. Moreover, as a space of ideological exchanges, in 1964 with the Military Coup it became a symbolic site of struggle for freedom. Protected by the State Heritage body – CONDEPHAAT (Council for the Defense of the Historical, Archeological, Artistic and Touristic Heritage) in 2020, and in 2015 by CONPRESP (Sa?o Paulo City Council for the Preservation of Historical, Cultural and Environmental Patrimony) and IPHAN (Institute of National His- torical and Artistic Heritage), its restoration process predicted beyond the recovery of the physical structure of the building, the fac?ade restoration and the improvements in the use of some spa- ces. The renovation started and was partially completed, focusing on the structure of the external marquise and the reestablishment of the events space of the Institute, that returned to host events. Gradually, the street in which it is located has resumed its centra- lizing process of activities carried out by architects in the region. New young architects chose the same street for their o ces and a specialized architecture bookstore was installed on the ground oor of IAB/SP building. These spaces were a de nite boost to the resumption of the IAB/SP building as an important model of modern architecture in Sa?o Paulo, a local memory space and re- presentative of this professional segment. 


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MONTEIRO, A. R. de G.; VIDOTTO, T. C. The Brazilian Institute of Architects – the establishment of Sa?o Paulo Chapter and the construction of its headquarters. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 2, n. 3, 2017. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2017.v2.177. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 fev. 2025.