The entries “Copying, Imitation and Invention”, by Antoine Chrysostome Quatremère de Quincy, published in Dictionaire Historique d’Architecture



  • Renata Baesso Pereira PUC Campinas


In France, the great project of systematization of knowledge, initiated by Diderot and d'Alambert in Encyclopédie or Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences, des Arts et Métiers (1751-1772), in which Jacques-François Blondel (1705 - 1774) composed articles referring to Architecture, continued in successive encyclopedic projects in the second
mid-18th century and throughout the 19th century. One such project is the Encyclopédie Méthodique by Charles-Joseph Panckoucke1, in which, in 1788, Quatremère de Quincy2 was commissioned to organize the Dictionnaire d’Architecture.


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QUATREMÈRE DE QUINCY. De l’imitation. Facsimile du Essai sur la nature, le but et les moyens

de l’imitation dans les beaux-arts, Paris, 1823. Bruxelles: AAM Editions, 1980.

_______. Dictionnaire historique d’architecture, comprenant dans son plan les notions

historiques, descriptives, archaeologiques, biographiques, théoriques, didactiques et practiques de cet art. Paris : Librairie d’Adrien Le Clère et, 1832, 2 tomes (tome I: Abajour

- Hypotrachelium; tome II: Ichnographie – Zotheca).

_______. Encyclopédie Methodique - Architecture. Liège: chez Panckoucke, Tome I, 1788.

Disponível em: < >. Acesso em: setembro

de 2020.

_______. Encyclopédie Methodique - Architecture. Liège: chez Panckoucke, Tome II,

(vol.I), 1820 (vol.II). Disponível em: < http:// ark:/ 12148/bpt6k857195

>. Acesso em: setembro de 2020.

_______. Encyclopédie Methodique - Architecture. Liège : chez Panckoucke, Tome III,

Disponível em: < >. Acesso em:

setembro de 2020.

SZAMBIEN, Werner. Symétrie, goût, caractère, théorie et terminologie de l’architecture a

l’age classique, 1550-1800. Paris: Picard, 1986.

VIDLER, Anthony. Type. In: HAYS, K. Michael (ed.). Oppositions reader. New York: Princeton

Architectural Press, 1998, p.617-620.

How to Cite
BAESSO PEREIRA, R. The entries “Copying, Imitation and Invention”, by Antoine Chrysostome Quatremère de Quincy, published in Dictionaire Historique d’Architecture. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 5, n. 10, 2021. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2020.v5.255. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.