The Armys's Palace

Project and experience by Oscar Niemeyer for the General Quarter of The Army in Brasilia - 1968-73

Keywords: palácio do exército. niemeyer. quartel general do exército. pré-fabricação. brasília. army palace. niemeyer. army headquarters. prefabrication. brasilia. Palacio del ejército. niemeyer. cuartel general. prefabricacion. Brasilia.


  • Bruno Pedro Campos Universidade de Brasilia


The historiography of modern Brazilian architecture has been highlighted as a topic of wide interest and the expansion of its domains and themes continues, through the countless researches developed in the last decades. In this context, the interest in the trajectory, production and complexity of Oscar Niemeyer's work is also a constant in research and seminars in the area. At the same time that new research and the intense use of technologies and digital documentary bases can provide such an expansion in research - especially linked to the Research Projects of Graduate Programs - certain gaps can be detected and open a wide field for speculation. about Niemeyer. In this perspective of potential research, Oscar Niemeyer's project and work for the headquarters of the Army Headquarters - QGEx in Brasília, developed between 1968-73, are located. It is an architectural ensemble highlighted in an autonomous urban sector, the Urban Military Sector - SMU, which is an integral part of the capital's representative spaces. The presence of military sectors in the Plano Piloto de Brasília is a constant feature of several projects presented in the contest, including the Plan by Lucio Costa.


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How to Cite
CAMPOS, B. P.; ROSSETTI, E. The Armys’s Palace: Project and experience by Oscar Niemeyer for the General Quarter of The Army in Brasilia - 1968-73. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 6, n. 11, 2021. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2021.v6.281. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.