Grande Pirambu: the history of struggle and its consequences on projects for the coastal road

Keywords: Fortaleza, Projeto, Costa, Luta, Popular Fortaleza, Project, Coast, Struggle, Population Fortaleza, Proyecto, Costa, Lucha, Popular


  • Marina Guerra Diógenes Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


From a more popular perspective of telling the story, this work aims to portray the history of the struggle for housing and permanence of the Grande Pirambu community — on the west coast of Fortaleza — and as such a fact had a significant and positive impact, to a certain extent point, the implementation of two major projects to restructure the coast of the region. Such projects directly influenced the lives of the community's residents. The first, called the West Coast Project, aimed to create a touristic coastal road with a fast flow. Later, after dialogues with the community, this was redesigned and renamed Projeto Vila do Mar, which provided for a more local character to the road. Each of the projects has clear and delineated objectives and the resistance of the Grande Pirambu made its voice heard in this process. These contexts will be portrayed and analyzed here from a more popular view that is usually ignored.


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How to Cite
GUERRA DIÓGENES, M. Grande Pirambu: the history of struggle and its consequences on projects for the coastal road. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 6, n. 12, 2022. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2021.v6.293. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.

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