Collective appropriations of public spaces
a focus on Cultural Heritage (town of Goiás as a case study)
This research takes the historical center of the Town of Goiás, a World Heritage Site since 2001, as a case study and focus on the collective appropriations observed in the urban environment by the local community, especially on historical public spaces. To analyze these elements, concepts like space, place and daily social practices are used, as well as the relationships they establish between themselves from the perspective of authors: Henri Lefèbvre, Michel de Certeau, David Harvey, etc. Supporting this theoretical contribution, different types of images of the city are analyzed, from 18th century maps to last century and recent photographs, as per their quantity and diversity. Ending with the emphasis on the importance of the different modes of collective appropriation in the city and its perpetuation for the next generation, allowing a consistent preservation of the cultural heritage, despite the constant and complex conflicts between the different actors in this case.
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Figura 13: disponível em < > 19 de maio de 2021, 18:00.
Copyright (c) 2021 Irina Alencar de Oliveira
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