Temporary Cartographies of the city of Natal-RN

Keywords: intervenções temporárias, neoliberalismo, cartografia social, Natal-RN temporary interventions, neoliberalism, social cartography, Natal-RN intervenciones temporales, neoliberalismo, mapeo social, Natal-RN


As we move away from the city's public spaces we lose essential qualities to the maintenance of the collective life, of the social rights acquired and manifested in the streets. This distance has been affirmed in the modern city, promoting an alienation in the way individuals use and relate to different places in space. In this context, of defragmentation of the city life and the affirmation of the fluidity of new relations, an imposition of neoliberal principles has been defined as one of the inducers where, through processes that guide the commodification of life, they regulate from the political and socioeconomic field cultural expressions and the construction of cities.As opposed to that, new possibilities of use and appropriation of space emerge and reveal other possibilities of intervening in the city in a collective and less standardized way. These actions, also called tactics, are treated here as temporary interventions and were characterized by their ephemeral temporality, for the collective participation and for the capacity to transform the spaces of the city, even for determined periods, in places of welcome and free expression of culture. In this article, it seeks to understand the relationship of these strategies materialized in public open spaces with the democratization of access to the city from a discussion structured in four parts: introduction, theoretical reflection, the analysis of the empirical research through social cartographies and interviews based on fifteen interventions mapped in the city of Natal-RN, and the final considerations.



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How to Cite
CARVALHO, M.; ATAÍDE, R. M. da C. Temporary Cartographies of the city of Natal-RN. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 7, n. 14, 2022. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2022.v7.319. Disponível em: https://thesis.emnuvens.com.br/revista-thesis/article/view/319. Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.