The Architectural Restoration Encyclopedia Universale dell'Arte, vol. XI, 1963

Keywords: Restauração, Renato Bonelli, Tradução, Arquitetura Restoration, Renato Bonelli, Translation, Architecture Restauración, Renato Bonelli, Traducción, Arquitectura


  • Renato Bonelli
  • Nivaldo Andrade Júnior (trad.)
  • Yan Graco Cafezeiro (trad.)


The architect Renato Bonelli (1911-2004) was one of the main people responsible for the formulation and dissemination of the critical restoration theory, developed in Italy in the second post-war period. Over more than six decades, Bonelli contributed decisively to the areas of the history of architecture – and, in particular, the historiographic method – and the theory of restoration, as a professor and as a researcher, in a professional trajectory strongly influenced by aesthetics idealistic. Specifically in the field of architectural and urban restoration, Bonelli's contributions are numerous, characterizing the intervention in heritage as a cultural action. Thus, the translation into Portuguese, for the first time, of his best-known text, the entry Il restauro architettonico, published in the Enciclopedia Universale dell'Arte in 1963, can contribute to the dissemination of the critical restoration theory in architecture and urbanism and, more specifically, of your thinking. 


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_____. Il restauro architettonico. In: Enciclopedia Universale dell'Arte, vol. XI, Veneza-Roma, 1963, pp. 344-351.

_____. Il rapporto “antigo-nuovo” nei suoi aspetti storici generali (1957). In: _____. Architettura e restauro. Veneza: Neri Pozza, 1959b, p. 92-99.

_____. Il restauro come forma di cultura (1959). In: _____. Architettura e restauro. Veneza: Neri Pozza, 1959c, p. 13-29.

_____. La “carta di Venezia” per il restauro architettonico. In: Bollettino di Italia Nostra, anno VIII, n. 38, maggio-giugno 1964, p. 1.

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_____. Avvicinamento al restauro. Teoria, Storia, Monumenti. Nápoles: Liguori, 1997.

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How to Cite
BONELLI, R.; ANDRADE JÚNIOR (TRAD.), N. .; GRACO CAFEZEIRO (TRAD.), Y. The Architectural Restoration Encyclopedia Universale dell’Arte, vol. XI, 1963. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 6, n. 12, 2022. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2021.v6.356. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.

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