Spatial and race relations in the past and in the present:

some reflections

Keywords: negro, história, racialização do espaço, segregação racial, invisibilidade black, history, racialization of space, racial segregation, invisibility negro, historia, racialización del espacio, segregación racial, invisibilidad


  • Camila Silva IFSertãoPE/UFPB


The official written history has made invisible (and still makes invisible) black people, women and the poor, their ways of life, their forms of housing, their struggles, their resistance. Focusing on racial relations, the concealment of black contributions to memory and official history portrays the relationship of domination and white supremacy. The urban space in contemporary times reflects what history has chosen to record and hide. It is a reflection and, at the same time, a conditioner of social and racial relations. Such concealment leads to the need to rethink the city, the history, and to free oneself from these cognitive prisons, invisibilizing resistances and stimulating oppression. In the quest to understand the present through the past as well as to understand the past through the present, this article aims to instigate some reflections about the racialization of spaces considering the registered/unregistered past in history and some of the phenomena that graph it in contemporary times, based on debates structured by scholars of racial relations in the midst of the apprehension of the production of space.


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How to Cite
SILVA, C. Spatial and race relations in the past and in the present:: some reflections. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 8, n. 16, 2023. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2023.v8.403. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.