Some scene drawings by Lina Bo Bardi between the avant-garde and popular art

Keywords: arquitetura cênica, desenho de cena, vanguarda, espaço abjeto, Lina Bo Bardi scenic architecture, perfomance design, avant-garde, abject space, Lina Bo Bardi arquitectura escénica, diseño de escena, vanguardia, espacio abyecto, Lina Bo Bardi


  • Evelyn Furquim Werneck Lima


This article analyzes three projects for theatrical scenography carried out by Lina Bo Bardi, two in an improvised theater on the stage of the Castro Alves Theater in Salvador, in rubble, after a fire, and the third at the Teatro Oficina, in São Paulo. It seeks to draw a parallel with Bo Bardi's writings and architectural projects, demonstrating the architect's deep knowledge of both Brecht's proposals for the theatrical scene and the appropriation of northeastern popular culture, which found fertile ground in her work on scenic architecture. Based on the space production theories of Henri Lefebvre (1974) and the recent theoretical formulations of Dorita Hannah (2018), the three proposals investigated reveal unorthodox spatial conceptions in the Italian-Brazilian architect's scene drawings.


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How to Cite
FURQUIM WERNECK LIMA, E. Some scene drawings by Lina Bo Bardi between the avant-garde and popular art. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 6, 2023. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2023.v3.415. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.