Reports of experiences in workshops that explore urban incursions in dialogue with heritage preservation practices

Keywords: Patrimônio arquitetônico e urbano, relatos de experiências, mapeamentos architectural and urban heritage, accounts of experiences, mappings patrimonio arquitectónico y urbano, relatos de experiencias, asignaciones


  • Eneida de Almeida
  • Maria Carolina Maziviero


This text offers an account of experiences developed in workshops held during two successive editions of the Jornada do Patrimônio (Heritage Journey) promoted by the Department of Culture of the City of São Paulo, called “Cidade Metafórica I (Metaphorical
City I)” and “Cidade Metafórica II (Metaphorical City II)”. The two day workshops were held on August (2016 and 2017) and repeated with some variations as part of the program of the 11th Biennial of Architecture of São Paulo (January 2018). Aiming at broadening the notion of cultural asset, in order to overcome the idea of established heritage and moving towards the perception of the inhabitant, the activities were based on discussions related to the concepts of space and place, which were questioned later on through accounts and group dynamics performed in excursions along the central area of the city, aspiring to encourage the creation of personal narratives and mappings amalgamated to the records of the group.


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How to Cite
DE ALMEIDA, E.; MAZIVIERO, M. C. Reports of experiences in workshops that explore urban incursions in dialogue with heritage preservation practices. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 6, 2023. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2023.v3.431. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.