Reflections on preservation and modernization of hospital complexes of historical and architectural relevance

studies at Oswaldo Cruz hospitals, in Curitiba, and sanitary dermatology, in Piraquara|PR

Keywords: Patrimônio Cultural da Saúde do Paraná, Preservação e Modernização de conjuntos hospitalares Cultural Patrimony of Health of Paraná, Preservation and modernization of hospital complexes Patrimonio Cultural de la Salud de Paraná, preservación y modernización de conjuntos hospitalarios


  • Elizabeth Amorim de Castro


This paper, Reflections on preservation and modernization historically and architecturally relevant hospital complexes: a study of the hospitals Oswaldo Cruz, in Curitiba, and Sanitary Dermatology, in Piraquara/PR, analyses two Cultural Patrimony of Health of Paraná examples built in the 20s. The hospitals have in common, in addition to more than 90 years of operation, the architectural pavilion and the large built structure. Both also faced a reduction in the number of patients - and consequent deactivation of part of their built area – for sharing their physical space with other institutions and health related activities. The imposition is due to the necessary diversification of the services provided and the generous dimensions of its land, which allow the allocation of new functions in pre-existing buildings. The study seeks to identify if the modernization process of these institutions – which guarantees their survival – compromises the preservation of its patrimony, since it can demand physical, flows or sectorization alterations, characteristics that define the essence of the hospital building.


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How to Cite
AMORIM DE CASTRO, E. Reflections on preservation and modernization of hospital complexes of historical and architectural relevance: studies at Oswaldo Cruz hospitals, in Curitiba, and sanitary dermatology, in Piraquara|PR. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 6, 2023. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2023.v3.433. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.