Form-finding Strategies for Double-Curvature Rigid Structural Surfaces

Keywords: superfícies estruturais, dupla-curvatura, concepção estrutural, UHPFRC, estação ferroviária de Shawnessy structural surfaces, double-curvature, structural conception, UHPRFC, Shawnessy Railway Station superficies estructurales, doble-curvatura, concepción estructural, UHPRFC, Shawnessy Railway Station


  • Felipe Corres Melachos Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Departamento de Arquitetura e Construção


This research focuses on the rigid double-curvature structural surfaces and its main
goal is to comprehend some of the present alternatives in the structural conception
of rigid surfaces, especially considering their worldwide resurge. As complementary
research objectives, it is important to mention the possibility to improve strategies
for the conception of rigid double-curvature structural surfaces in architectural and
engineering undergraduate education, by means of attaining contact with technological
expertise of low dissemination in the nation. Also, it is expected to foster intuitive
structural conception strategies in both classroom benches and studio drawing boards,
instead of focusing on the traditional verifying methods, by means of the exploration
of geometrical and constructive relationships in buildings belonging to the structural
typology being analyzed. The chosen research methodology consists on the analysis of
pre-selected case studies based on their similarity with the structural typology being
analyzed, availability of graphic material and technical drawings related to the design,
material utilized in its design and constructive process. Taking into consideration
the criteria above, the selected case study was the UHPRFC roof of the Shawnessy Railway Station, located in Calgary, Canada, and designed and built by Stantec
Architecture and Lafarge Engineering in 2004. This research has technological and
pedagogical impact, in the way that it promotes an approximation with state-of-art
design and form-finding tools in the globe.


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How to Cite
CORRES MELACHOS, F. Form-finding Strategies for Double-Curvature Rigid Structural Surfaces. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 6, 2023. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2023.v3.435. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.