Archigraphy and architext mining

support for research in architecture using images and texts

Keywords: plataforma digital, imagens, textos, fotografias, revistas digital platform, images, texts, photography, journals plataforma digital, imágenes, textos, fotografia, revistas


  • Artur Rozestraten
  • Ana Esteban Maluenda


This paper presents two digital tools designed as a support for research in architecture and urbanism and supported in two different formats of information: the images (Arquigrafia) and the texts (ArchiteXt Mining). ‘Arquigrafia’ is a Web 2.0 thematic iconographic project, focused on the area of architecture and urbanism, which is characterized by its hybrid nature - it brings together institutional and private users who cooperate in the construction of a constellation of digital images in continuous online growth since 2010- as a public platform, free and open. ‘ArchiteXt Mining’ (which is the acronym of Architectural Text Mining) is a research project funded by the Government of Spain that proposes the use of the most advanced data analysis techniques for the creation of a new tool. Its aim is to facilitate the work of researchers who use architectural journals as a source of information. The current possibilities of computer science allow us to pretend something impossible to date: perform a general analysis of the contents of specialized periodicals. This communication presents different aspects of the trajectory and purposes of motivation of both.


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How to Cite
ROZESTRATEN, A.; ESTEBAN MALUENDA, A. . Archigraphy and architext mining: support for research in architecture using images and texts. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 4, n. 7, 2023. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2023.v4.437. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.