Regenerative project for university campus

Keywords: projeto regenerativo, ateliê de projeto, campus universitário regenerative design, design studio, university campus proyecto regenerativo, estudio de diseño, campus universitario


  • Marila Filártiga
  • José Ripper Kós


The growing field of regenerative design has emerged from the view that we must not only impact less but redefine what the environment encompasses and what its role is. It is believed as the only way to promote more effective results, that the impact and
intention must be positive, which means being and feeling connected with the natural world, co-evolving with the systems of the environment. For this, it is understood that professionals should move towards a regenerative model based on the relationships between natural and cultural systems, and a deep understanding of regional characteristics, recognizing the interdependence between humans and nature. A path in search of more positive impacts on nature is to understand that universities have a fundamental role in this process and social responsibility with the development of society, particularly through the education of future professionals and their example in the spread of public awareness about environmental issues. Several universities have sought to promote sustainability in their elementary systems, such as teaching, research, community outreach, self-assessment, reports, in addition to campus operations, which concern activities involving energy and water consumption, emission of greenhouse gases, generation of solid waste, purchase of food, transportation, among others. But they are one-off solutions, and the reality perceived in the university areas points in the opposite direction. Since 2016, these themes have formed the basis of
academic experiences related to the main campus of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), taking as a starting point the university as part of a delicate and important ecosystem for all the natural networks in the region. If academics agree that our planet holds malfunctioning and unsustainable complex systems, universities have a potential and responsibility to lead a significant shift. Therefore, the course has a transdisciplinary regenerative design goal based on the inquiry of the role of the main campus water streams for the future of the university. The paper describes the academic experiences presenting the potential of multidisciplinary design studio as a learning approach to other areas of study.


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How to Cite
FILÁRTIGA, M.; RIPPER KÓS, J. Regenerative project for university campus. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 4, n. 7, 2023. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2023.v4.441. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.