Urban morphology and urban regulation

the case of the historic nucleus of Icoaraci in Belém, PA

Keywords: morfologia urbana, regulação urbanística, lote urbano, Distrito de Icoaraci, Belém urban morphology, urban lot, simulation, Icoaraci District, Belém morfología urbana, lote, simulación, Icoaraci, Belém


  • Alberto P. Cassiano Lima
  • José Júlio F. Lima
  • Roberta M. Rodrigues


The elaboration of specific urban legislation is delegated to the Municipal Public Power. The existence of municipalities that conceive generic urban planning legislation, which does not reflect the characteristics of the existing urban structure, impairs efficiency and justice in urban planning and management. The present work discusses how the urban form of the Icoaraci Historical Core, in Belém-PA, is subject to the Plano Diretor do Município de Belém, and how this instrument guides the way of occupation in the lot. The neighbourhoods of Cruzeiro and Ponta Grossa in Icoaraci, entitled as Icoaraci Historical Core, are adopted as study area. It is proposed a morphological zoning plan developed from the examination of the characteristics of the urban plan and fabric, as well as land use and occupation pattern. The intent of the proposal is to confront the use and occupation guidelines and the urban building parameters defined by the current urban legislation and the existing morphological characteristics. The results of applying the urban building parameters in force to the plots characterized by their morphological compositions show the insufficiency of the current model of urbanistic regulation to regulate in an adequate way the occupation of blocks with specific historical and urban qualities to be preserved. 


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How to Cite
P. CASSIANO LIMA, A.; JÚLIO F. LIMA, J.; M. RODRIGUES, R. Urban morphology and urban regulation: the case of the historic nucleus of Icoaraci in Belém, PA. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 4, n. 7, 2023. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2023.v4.451. Disponível em: https://thesis.emnuvens.com.br/revista-thesis/article/view/451. Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.