Public participation in Portugal reflections on the right to the city

Keywords: direito à cidade, democracia representativa, participação pública, Algarve, Portugal the right to the city, the representative democracy, the public participation, Algarve, Portugal derecho a la ciudad, democracia representativa, participación pública, Algarve, Portugal


  • Lucinda Oliveira Caetano
  • José Luís Crespo
  • Rodrigo Cury Paraízo


In a context of economic and environmental crisis at a global level, urban sustainability is the order of the day, maintaining the premise of everyone’s right to the city. This article deals with the dissemination of the results of public participation research, in
the channels of representative democracy, including some participatory mechanisms, using as case studies certain cities, or the entire Algarve region, depending on the theme in question. The methods used were the treatment of data obtained from organizations’ websites, or provided by technical services, as well as semi-structured interviews and surveys of key actors. The results point to a very low public participation in Portugal and reveal the importance of strengthening citizenship, probably through intermediary agents of governance, such as universities and civil society associations. 


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How to Cite
OLIVEIRA CAETANO, L.; CRESPO, J. L.; CURY PARAÍZO, R. Public participation in Portugal reflections on the right to the city. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 4, n. 7, 2023. DOI: 10.51924/revthesis.2023.v4.452. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jan. 2025.

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