Portuguese Passages

Keywords: arquiteto Álvaro Siza, Arquitetura contemporânea, passagens Álvaro Siza, Architecture, passages Álvaro Siza, Arquitectura, pasajes


The compilation of photos that make up this essay was born from an unexpected concern: “What images could convey some of the passages through Portuguese architecture in these last years of academic research?” My interest in Portuguese production began when a late professor recommended the purchase of a monograph by architect Álvaro Siza (1933), when I was still at the beginning of my architecture course. It could be said that, from that moment on, my entire conception of the professional activity of the architect would be transformed. Over time, the collection of books was expanded, expanding my interest in other figures who would later fuel other research.    


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How to Cite
PENTEADO NETO, R. Portuguese Passages. Revista Thésis, Rio de Janeiro, v. 9, n. 18, 2024. Disponível em: https://thesis.emnuvens.com.br/revista-thesis/article/view/514. Acesso em: 9 jan. 2025.

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